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Supercalafragalistic salicylic acid!

February 15, 2017

Supercalafragalistic salicylic acid!

At Galiano Island Soap Works we have just re-created our amazing Vitamin C Cream to include White Willow Bark. Salix alba aka salicylic acid, is used extensively in cosmetics and personal care products for its astringent, anti-inflammatory, soothing and conditioning properties. Willow Bark Extract contains salicylic acid, a BHA that is a natural exfoliant and is used in many acne treatments because of its ability to help skin shed dead cells and clear pores; helpful for rosacea and it can also stimulate new cell formation. Willow Bark Extract contains "phenolic acids; such as salicin, salicortin, fragilin, populin, triandrin and vimalin, as well as flavonoids, tannins (gallotannins and catechin-type tannins) and minerals," which all allow it to aid in skin rejuvenation (

It has been used for centuries for pain relief because of its aspirin-like and antiseptic properties, according to The University of Maryland Medical Centre. It is most often used topically like a poultice to relieve joint pain. 

 Salicylic acid is considered a keratolytic medication, which means that it's perfect for supreme exfoliation. "Keratolytic medications cause softening and sloughing of the top layer of skin cells," says Rachel Nazarian, a dermatologist in New York City. Salicylic acid also loosens and breaks apart desmosomes (attachments between cells in the outer layer of skin). "This 'desmolytic' action encourages exfoliation of skin and unclogging of pores," says Sue Ann Wee, dermatologist in New York City. "One thought etiology of acne is that the skin cells do not behave normally, and rather than sloughing off through a healthy skin cell cycle, they stick together and clog the pores, creating cysts and blackheads,"  So if you are looking for a way to refresh/replenish/rejuvenate your skin - look to the Willow bark  in either extract or powder form - it's pure, natural and effective!  

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